Peach and Blackberry Gallette
This is meant to be eaten the day it is made. Okay you could save a slice for breakfast. You can prep some of this in advance like the Pâte Brisée and the corn meal mixture. Keep in mind if you toss your fruit in the sugar too early there may be too much liquid for the cornmeal to absorb.
Serves 8
1 recipe flakey galette dough (see recipe below)
3 pounds unpeeled peaches, with pits removed, in ½1/2 inch slices
¼ pint blackberries (blueberries, or raspberries)
About ¼ cup sugar, plus additional 2 tablespoons for sprinkling
3 tablespoons corn meal
1 ½ tablespoons ground almonds
1 tablespoon butter, melted
Optional 2 tablespoons apple jelly or apricot jelly/jam
Whipped cream or vanilla ice cream
Heat the oven to 400F.
1. Toss the peaches with 1/4 cup of sugar.
2. Place dough on parchment paper. Roll out 1/8 inch thin. Trim the border to make it about a 14” circle using a pastry cutter. (Save the trimmings to make little sugar cookies.) Finish shaping the pate brisee by cutting through the pastry with a knife or pastry cutter every 1 ½ inches around the boarder by 2 inches long. It will look like a big sunflower. Slide the parchment paper and pâte brisée on to a baking sheet.
3. Mix 2 tablespoons of the sugar with the corn meal and ground almonds, and sprinkle the mixture over the pastry leaving a 2 -inch border. Arrange the fruit slices on the dough again leaving the same 2-inch border. Place the blackberries in and around the peaches.
4. Then folding the petals up one at a time on to the fruit filling, over lapping them. Brush the rim generously with melted butter and sprinkle with 2 tablespoons sugar.
5. Bake in the lower third of the oven for 45 to 50 minutes, until the fruit is tender and the crust is well browned and its edges slightly caramelized. Let the galette cool for 20 minutes. If you would like to glaze the tart, heat 2-3 tablespoons of the jelly in the microwave with 1 -2 teaspoons of water for about 30 seconds. Mix well then brush on heated jelly gently.
Serve the tart warm with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.
Flakey Galette Dough
1-9 inch tart; 8- 4” tarts
8 ounces all-purpose flour
¼ teaspoon baking powder
4 ounces (1-stick or 8 tablespoons) unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon kosher salt
4 tablespoons ice cold water (more if it is dry)
Method by Kitchen Aide mixer
• Place flour, baking powder, butter, sugar and salt in the bowl of the mixer.
• Mix on low speed for 1-2 minutes until the butter is in small pieces, the size of a pea.
• Add the water all at once. Mix until the water it mixed in with the flour and butter.
• Turn out on to a marble and shape into a round disc. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
• Roll out 1/8” thin into desired shape.
Method by food processor:
• Place flour, baking powder, butter, sugar and salt in the bowl of the food processor.
• Pulse 4-5 times until the butter is in small pieces (should look like rough corn meal).
• Add the water all at once. Pulse until the water it mixed in with the flour and butter.
• Turn out on to a marble and shape into a round disc. Refrigerate for 30 minutes
• Roll out 1/8” thin into desired shape.
©2015 Julie Logue-Riordan
Copyright © Julie Logue Riordan, Cooking with Julie